
Prudent Daughter

If you have been following me for any length of time you know by now that I’m a Bible study writer and am constantly working on the next Bible study.

However, as I have been praying and asking the Lord to show me what He wants me to do in this season of waiting. Not just for a husband and to start our family. But this season of waiting is twofold in that I have a dream for ministry that is much greater than I am. So, if the ministry comes to be then I know without any doubt that it was truly God who did it.

Within this season of waiting, I have also been greatly preparing. Working on many things – that I often think, and hope will help me when I do get married, and we start our family.

Do you remember the Old Hope Chests from back in the day? Did you ever learn about them? You may only know them as a big old wood box that sits at the end of a bed in your grandmother’s home. However, there was a time back close to a hundred years ago now, where that box would have represented everything that a young woman would carry to her new life as a married woman.

She would have essential items that we often now get at bridal showers. Things like silverware, china, linens, clothing, family jewels that she could take to her new home to make it a home. Then when she would have a daughter, she could do the same for her daughter and so on for generations. This is how it went. Often a young woman would make most of what went into their hope chest. She would make a quilt and pray for the husband she would someday have. If you know anything about quilting – you know that it takes lots of time. Often these quilts were made over years. Thinking in times back then it was not uncommon for a young woman to marry before her 20th birthday. So, you can see how this meant a lot and how she would need to get a good head start.

Fast forward to today. We often think oh that’s for then. However, as you will soon find out. I’m an old soul kind of girl. So, these types of traditions I have loved learning about and tried to incorporate them into my own life with a modern twist.

That is what this website is going to be about. My own journey as I have built my own practical hope chest. Along with what I have been doing to prepare myself to be a wife and mother. As I have already made it pretty clear – I am not married at this point. God has not brought me and my husband together yet. However, I have been pressed upon to share my journey of being a single woman who has strived to be godly and to live with fear of the Lord and a heart after His. As I have been thinking a lot lately and praying about everything. I have felt led that I have not fully served my God in my singleness, in that I have not helped other young ladies to strive to think a little outside the box. So that is what this blog is going to be all about.

As you read and explore what my journey has been, reading about what I wish someone had told me, along with what I would go back and tell myself with hindsight always being 20/20 if you choose to learn from it. Please, please do not feel like you have to do anything, let alone everything that I have done.

My goal is simply to encourage you to think outside the box a little and if you are like me, longing for a time long past where a woman was allowed to be a woman. Then join me on this adventure as we learn to be godly women in the 21st century!