Bible Studies,  Blog,  Small Group


Welcome back to week two of “THIS IS HOW I FIGHT MY BATTLES”!

This week we are going to be looking at Psalm 1! 😀 But first, let’s start in prayer – asking the Lord to show us what He wants us to see…let Him be the true teacher right now in your time of study! <3

Alright now we are ready to jump into the first Psalm!

  • Read Psalm 1

What did you see from just reading this passage?

Now lets get into the meat of things….

  • Mark the Lord (I do a triangle purple, and color it in yellow)
  • The law (I underlined it in a dark blue)

What did you learn about the Lord in this passage?

How does knowing that the “the Lord knows the way of the righteous” encourage you today?

What did you see about the Law?

Who is delighting in the law?

  • the righteous man (I circled in pink)
  • the wicked people (I underlined them RED)

What did you learn about the righteous man?

List what you see about him…

If you did the study last week on Joshua now would be a great time to pull out your study looking at the parallels between the righteous man and Joshua, and what the Lord told Joshua to do (if you have not done the Joshua study I highly recommend going back and doing it, but for now just read Joshua 1:5-9)!

What did you learn from marking the wicked people?

What are all their names?

What are they doing? and Who are they doing it to?

How about you? Are you in the assembly of the righteous or sitting in the seat of scoffers?

It’s only in checking your walk, lining it up with the Truth of God’s Word. That we can truly change and begin to walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel and live a life that is truly pleasing to the Lord! Letting our lives be a living sacrifice unto God (which we will see next week!)!

Now go back over your list about God and a righteous man – what has encouraged you most about what you learned today?

Where are you in need of changing your thoughts? You life?

Lift your walk, life, and choices to the Lord, asking Him to show you. To help you, and if you are on the right track, praise Him and ask Him to help you stay on the strait and narrow! 😀 <3

I’m so excited you have joined us on this wonderful adventure through the scriptures, learning how to fight our battles God’s way!

Now would be a great time to facetime, zoom, or get online together with a friend or a group of friends, giving yourselves time to dig a little into the word, and also talk, and just hang out! <3