Bible Studies,  Blog,  Small Group


Welcome back to week three of THIS IS HOW I FIGHT MY BATTLES!

I don’t know about you, but it has been so encouraging! I know my small group has also been enjoying it!!! I hope you are too!!! <3

Before you begin go to the Lord in prayer, ask Him to be your teacher, and to show you what He wants you to see and to understand!

YAY! Now you are ready to dig into the Word of GOD!

What did you learn?

What 6 things are we called to do in these verses?

What do you see that all three of these passages have in common?

How can you meditate on the Word day and night?

Now going back to Psalm 4:4-5
Think about the list of 6 things we are to be doing as children of God…how can you implement them into your own life?

Think about it, pray about it, and ask the Lord to show you how you can apply and act upon these 6! <3

  • Now lets read – Psalm 5:11-12
  • Mark God (with a triangle)
  • Mark the “righteous man” (circle)
    *always including synonyms whenever you mark

What did you learn about the Lord?

What did you learn about the righteous man (or woman)???

How can you be taking refuge in God?

Sing for joy? What is your heart song to the Lord? What is your favorite worship song? Your favorite Psalm?

How can you love His name and exalt in Him?

Does this encourage you to know that God is your Shelter, you can take refuge in Him…and that you are surrounded with favor as with a shield???

Now would be a great time to go to the Lord in prayer and worship, thanking Him for who He is for you, to you, and sing for joy because you are taking refuge in Him!

O my friend, you are truly loved, loved beyond measure, this week is the Holy week or the Passion week of Christ!
Right now more than ever we are reminded of the great sacrifice of God on our behalf. John 3:16