Bible Studies,  Blog,  Small Group


Welcome back to week four of THIS IS HOW I FIGHT MY BATTLES – this week is going to look a little different from the previous weeks. I hope and pray this study will be as encouraging for you as it has been for me and my group of young ladies!

Now before we jump into this week’s lesson I want to give you a heads up as to what we will be doing. Like I said earlier, this week is going to be slightly different than previous weeks. Why? you may be wondering, well the reasoning is clear I think when you read it. But Psalm 8 is quoted by Jesus himself, and is quoted many times in the New Testament.

When we did this Psalm in my small group, we had some really good questions that came up and discussion which is why I’m devoting an entire lesson to look at it closer.
I will be very clear with you though this is NOT in anyway an exhaustive look at Psalm 8 – but like we normally do when studying book by book, you will be asking questions (make sure to write them down) and if they are not answered, then you have a good jumping off point to go deeper for yourself!
Remember the point in looking at and studying scripture is not to simply check it off your list, or to do it for head knowledge, or because that’s what “good” christians do, but rather we should desire to have a heart understanding of God’s word and His truth so that we can understand Him better, to change our thinking and living in such a way that alines with His word, and as we live it out we show others as well how to live and in doing that we give God the glory through our lives!

I’m SO EXCITED! Let’s go to the Lord in prayer, asking Him to show you what He wants you to see and to get out of this lesson. Praying He will open your eyes to His truth and to His character and that He leads you into a deeper relationship, and love for Him!

  • Read Psalm 8 (no marking just read it)

What stood out to you?

What questions do you have?

Example: – for me one of my questions was from vs 2: “from the mouth of infants and nursing babies you established strength because of your advisories” ~ What does He mean by this statement?

You have gotten a great head start, now let’s start observing this chapter!

  • Read Psalms 8 once again this time marking God including His pronouns with a purple triangle,

What do you learn about God in this chapter?

What stood out to you the most about your Lord?

Now let’s look at this chapter again.

  • Read 8:4-8 again and this time you are going to mark references to mankind – I just underlined with my favorite color.

There is so much in this very short chapter of only 9 verses. Yet there are so many rich truths that are waiting for you to seek them out!

What do you learn from marking mankind?

WOW! Did you see it? Oh, my dear friend, I truly hope you did see it! <3

Now, let’s do some cross references! Like I said earlier, this is NOT an exhaustive study, and we will kind of be jumping around. But I hope and pray you see this, God Himself will show you His truths – pray as you study that you see not with your eyes only, but rather with the eyes of faith!

Lets start at the beginning –

  • Read Genesis 1:26-28
    What do you see about man here?

    Now what does God say man should rule over?

    Do you see any parallels between Genesis and Psalm 8?

  • Psalm 103:2-4, 21:4-6
    Do you see here how God is taking thought of mankind and caring for man?

    How Has God been taking care of you?

Now let’s switch gears for a moment and see what the New Testament has to say. Please feel free to read around these passages for better context, remember context is key to unlocking the truths found in God’s word!

Is this NOT amazing? What did you learn that you did not know before?

Does this not make you excited? I know it truly excites me to be writting and sharing this with you! <3

Last, but certainly and by no means least, remember when I shared one of my questions in the beginning? Well here is what I learned from answering and finding out what that passage ment! Not exhaustive in the least, but I hope this shows you how you can seek from the scriptures answers to your questions before you go to a commentary! <3
If you have more time here is where Jesus Himself mentions Psalm 8:2 in one of His teachings! <3 <3 <3

What a wonderful beautiful chapter to be able to study with you. I truly hope and pray God showed you His truth, and that you will walk away pondering what you have learned! 🙂 <3
And that you will look back at your own questions and seek out the answers from scripture. Letting scripture interpret scripture! <3
Then feel free to consult a commentary if you wish!