Bible Studies,  Blog,  Small Group


As the great “crona” hit our world, the small group that I lead at the time was in the middle of a wonderful 6 week study on Spiritual gifts. Written by one of my favorite people, modern missionaries, and heroes of faith today!

But I kept asking the Lord, and could not get out of my mind that I should postpone that study for this season. After talking with my co-leader and finding out she was feeling the same way and that we were on the same page. We decided to focus our group on the word of God and God’s character!
So that is how this study came about! By letting go, and letting God speak so that we could hear what He wanted us to hear during this season!

I truly pray you find it as encouraging as we have! <3

Before you begin ask the Lord to show you what He want’s you to hear! He will show you, I’m praying with you that you hear His voice, see His character, and take to heart what He wants for you right now! <3

Alright now let’s jump into the word!

What did you learn about God here?

Who is God showing Himself as?

How does this help you right now, today?

Anything else about God that you see here?

Now lets look at the phrase “Be strong and courageous”

  • Read Joshua 1:5-9 again marking be strong and courageous

How many times did you mark it?

What did you learn from marking “be strong and courageous”?

Who told Joshua to be strong and courageous?

Can this command be applied to us today?

Going back to what you learned about God earlier, do you believe God will help you be strong and courageous today?

At this point let’s look at what God command Joshua to do!

  • Mark the Law

What do you learn about the law?

What was Joshua supposed to do with the law?

List vs 8 – what did God tell him to do?

How can we live out this verse today?

What are some practical ways you are going to be focusing on the word of God over the next week?

How can you encourage others to get into the word and focus on scripture at this time?

Now would be a great time to facetime, zoom, or get online together with a friend or a group of friends, giving yourselves time to dig a little into the word, and also talk, and just hang out! <3