Blog,  BookClub

December ~ BookClub

I’m really excited to be announcing that our book for this month is The Lifegiving Table by Sally Clarkson!

This is one of my favorite books that I have read in a long time. Sally gives us such a beautiful picture of how we can run our homes. The table is actually in a way the very heart of the family. You eat around the table laughing, worshiping through conversation, discussion, even discover more about God and His goodness. The table opens the doors to the very hearts of those who sit around it eating wonderful yummy foods.

Sally reminds us what it is like to set a lovely table. To remember what it is like to always be ready for simple pleasures for others like fresh cookies, treats, or even picnic dinners. That inspire creativity and grow your womanness to make your home a lovely peaceful place to let friends and family gather.

As we prepare for the holidays and indeed everyday, it is good to remember that our tables are a place where our conversations can edify, and be life giving as well as encouraging. But it only happens if we choose to make it that way. This year has been a difficult one…lets encourage our tables to be a place where we can have beautiful conversations.

Even if you don’t end up with a great conversation this Christmas it will help you to be able to grow in that area over the next year so that next year you will be stronger and more able to guide the conversations back to the Lord who is our living hope!!! <3

At least that is my heart and goal! Like I said I’m SUPER excited to be reading this book with you!!!

Hop over to Instagram and take a pic and tag us in it @theprudentdaugher…and tell us what you are learning from this book! 😀